
Each note is listed just ones, at the last time created or modified.

Thursday, 21.05.2020

(created) 2020-05-21

This is my father day entry. The first entry that should be detected as a diary entry.

Monday, 04.05.2020

(modified) As connections between notes create most value, connecting should be as convenient as possible

Thought Tank offers a editor-friendly, stable, markdown compliant and url-readable way of linking notes.

Wednesday, 29.04.2020

(modified) Tag

With tags you can structure your note box further, for example to create subtopics or cross the Separation of independent logical units introduced by topics.

Monday, 27.04.2020

(modified) Anchoring of information in long-term memory

The creation of notes and the linking in the zettelkasten support the storing of information in the long-term memory.

(modified) What makes ThoughtTank special


(modified) Context-independent understandable notes

Enter a note in such a way that it is understandable in itself and that the information it contains depends at most on the explicit links and not on an implicit context.

(modified) Unambiguousness of links

Links are only unambiguous if each note contains exactly one idea or thought (atomacity).

(modified) Transformation of implicit into explicit relationships between notes generate knowledge

By identifying related notes that are not explicitly linked, ThoughtTank encourages you to explicitly link these notes. Making relationships explicit generates new knowledge.

(modified) Supporting the identification of related thoughts

Based on keywords, Thought Tank suggests related notes. Use keywords to mark the essential concepts that you deal with in a note.

(modified) Route of information from the text read into the zettelkasten

A separate and established reading workflow supports the systematic and efficient Anchoring of information in long-term memory and might be a Process support in place of self-discipline.