To support Applications in which the Zettelkasten is superior to other approaches we added the following feature during for the different phases of your thoughts lifecycle:
- Collecting notes
- Different inboxes allow you to Capture your thoughts whereever you are.
- Writing an presenting notes
- Thought Tank uses a Predefined structure for capturing a thought , this also allows for adequate presentation in different situations and
- also allows you to Quickly get to the core of a thought.
- Connecting notes
- Improving notes
- More efficiency and productivity through process support
- Foster a flow with respect to editing, as Manage the flow of notes for continuous curration of the Zettelkasten. So you can think of it as a Process support in place of self-discipline ;).
While tha above has been Thought Tank‘s support on the Route of information from the text read into the zettelkasten, you also want to find your notes later.
- Finding notes
- Separation of independent logical units using topics and orthogonal structuring with Tag
- While a single thought should be atomic to ensure the Unambiguousness of links, you can have entry/index points for Documentation of larger, coherent thoughts: the entrypoints. This note is an entrypoint too.